Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Weigh In Wednesday, Week 4

So I attempting to get this post started a little early and am writing it on Tuesday night instead of Wednesday. I am pretty sure I will lose this week and cannot wait to see if I am correct or not, and so if I don't, well you won't see this particular post anyway ha!

Joining Erin @ She's A Big Star and Alex @ Skinny Jean Pilgrimage both are fantastic blogs that I enjoy reading every day!

Week 4

Anyways after taking a week off last week to enjoy my birthday, I considered just making it a weekend since I had many a celebrating to do. Waking up on Thursday though I decided no, yesterday was my day, today I get back on the ball and make it count this week. (Guess it helps that I have $25 on a diet bet right now that I would like to win back) So I have tracked every small thing I have eaten from Thursday until now and have not used all of my extra points or tapped into my activity points that I earned for Weight Watchers.

The last 24 hours have been crazy for me, a lot of things going on that can make me easily stressed out, and amazingly the only result has been one thing of waffle fries and a mini twix bar. Could have been WAY worse. I am probably about to go walk the dog too, but I need my phone to charge more because I have been off and on it with my family. (Please be praying for my family right now, we are going through some major changes and it is really really hard. I live 7 hours away and can't really do anything so I am stuck and feel helpless and just want to cry non-stop, but I got to keep my head up and keep moving forward)

Yesterday I made My Magic Soup and you can read about it here. It's super delicious and nutritious and I had my first batch for lunch today. I eat it with two slices of bread and my Fiji water. (I am sort of a water snob, I guess there could be worse things to be snobby about, but I like me Fiji water) I plan on eating a serving every day until it's gone, about 9 days I believe. Hoping the magic that helped me lose 20lbs two summers ago is still in it.

This week exercise wise for me was pretty strong, mostly because of my massive hike on Friday which took me 2 1/2 hours. Other then my birthday and Sunday (I took a real Sabbath) I was exercising every day. I am not sure if I am going to make it to 100 miles by the end of the month but so far I have logged about 23 miles so I have 77 to go in 21 days, very very possible if I put it into high gear and make it happen. Still going to shoot for it! Yesterday was my tear it up Tuesday and I ended up doing 50 minutes on the elliptical and a 35 minute walk at night. This is me after the elliptical,

Wednesday Morning: I was really excited to get up today because I have been watching my scale and it has shown that I am going to lose weight I just wasn't sure how much. Two weeks ago when I weight in it was 212.3 this morning when I weighed in it was 209!!! Woohoo!!! 3.3lbs, even though that 212.3 was a gain I am still down from the previous weigh in. Total so far I am down 7.3 which is very very exciting.

This definitely gives me way more motivation to keep up the work I am doing, if I can lose weight in the midst of a birthday celebration, then I can do it when my life is normal. I am also now 2.7 lbs away from 10lbs and when that comes I get to open my next envelope and get a prize!
I hope you all have a fantastic Wednesday!


  1. Great job!

  2. Good for you girl! That's awesome! Although I'm sad to hear about your family struggles :( I hope you're OK! Definitely keep your head up, and you know where to turn for help :)

  3. Yay for being down! :) And there are definitely worse things than being a water snob ahaha. Keep up the good work!

  4. good job girl!! you are so close! keep up the hard work :-)

  5. Congrats on your great loss! You can totally still hit that 100 miles goal!!

  6. Congrats on your loss!

    Saying a prayer for your family!

  7. KEEP IT UP!! congrats on your weight loss :)
    and remember: your body can do whatever your mind tells it to!
