Thursday, March 28, 2013

Three Things Thursday

I am sure I have already said this before but right now I am all about Link Ups! I love doing them because they give me something to create a new post about but also I usually spend an hour or two clicking around and checking out other people's blog. To me it's amazing how easily connected everyone is in this blogosphere and I love it. So today I am joining Kristyn at Carolina Fireflies and Myranda at Pretty Living  for their Three Things Thursday and today's topic is Three Things People Would Be Surprised to Know About You.

1. I was a blond and extremely tan child.
 As a child growing up my brother and I spent a good amount of time playing outside. We would play all sorts of things just the two of us or with all of the neighborhood kids. Then all of a sudden my hair started to turn brown and I stayed tan for a while but not I am just a brunette with normal skin complexion (hopefully changing this summer!!!!).

2. My first job was as a newspaper deliverer in Middle School.
We lived in Germany while my dad was in the army and I was in Middle School when someone asked me if I wanted a paper route for the American newspaper in our little German town. It was my first real job and I was really excited to get to make some money because I really love spending money. (Who doesn't!!!!) I held the job for a year and a half before we had to PCS to the states. I loved it while I had it, even the getting up at 5:00 to do my job part, because I am such an early riser. I bought my very own computer with it and many other things that I probably no longer own.
3. I have never had a drop of alcohol.
I feel like in these days sometimes that makes me seem like such an outsider. Often when I tell people I don't drink they think it's because I had some horrible past as a child or that I got it all out of my system, this is not the case. I just have never been interested in it. Neither of my parents drank except for maybe a handful of times that I can count on my fingers. I wanted to go through college without drinking and succeeded but now see no reason to start. I am sure one day I will attempt some sort of adult beverage but for now I don't really think I am missing out on much.

That's it for today folks :)



  1. I think it is amazing that you have never had alcohol! It's really sad to see how dependent young adults are on alcohol now days. That is really admirable! :)

  2. So cool that you have never had a drop of alcohol! Definitely something to be proud of! I can't even imagine how different college would have been for me. Not that I drank a ton but there is so much peer pressure to drink. I agree that you probably aren't missing out on too much, although I do enjoy a good glass of wine :)

    Thanks so much for linking up last week! Hope you'll join in again! xoxo
    Love your blog! I'm not following along :)
