Wednesday, June 12, 2013

This is the Moment - Weigh In Wednesday

Linking up again for Weigh In Wednesday, in my opinion the best link up all week :)

Pretty Strong Medicine

Alrighty here we go again. I just read Ashley's blog post for today about having those periods where we are just lazy and don't do anything and that was me for about 3 weeks but on Monday I decided that the time was right again to start taking back control over my life. I got up really early on Monday morning and did the next run on my Ease into 5K. So by the time I got to the house I nanny at I had already walk/run 2 miles and had a solid 33 oz of water to drink. It set the tone for the day and I did really good snacking wise, with green beans and watermelon taking the place of the rice krispy treat and cheese puffs. I ate some tuna and crackers at around 11 and then had an actual lunch around 3, dinner was only ok as I had Mexican but I didn't eat as much as I usually do.

Tuesday rolled around and my food choices were so-so still no rice krispy treats and no unnecessary snacking. I am attempting to keep the kids and I as busy as possible so then I don't have time to think about snacking. We went and saw Epic at a Dine-In movie theater and so my food choice was no bueno on top of the fact that the kids ordered desserts that they ended up not liking them and so I ended up having a bit, but I made up for it in dinner with a bowl of soup that's only 5 points. Then I took the Milo Man to the park and did a good 2 mile walk to keep us both in shape, he just loves walks and car rides so when we merge the two he is in heaven.

Last night I got to bed at around 10 because I knew that I was going to get up early to run again. I love the energy I end up having and the mood I am in after a good run and shower. It makes getting up at 6am not that bad at all.  My Ease into 5K today was Warm Up, run 7 minutes, walk 2, Run 5, walk 2, Run 7 and Cool Down. So that means that I ran for a total of 19 minutes....woah. Crazy talk. Didn't really think or know I could but I did even though I wanted to stop because I wasn't feeling well but I was determined. My pace seems to be slowing down but I am ok with that because as long as I keep running and not stop I am proud of myself.

I decided not to hop on the scale today and will hop on next week and post my weight.

On the water drinking front I am becoming a water drinking fiend! On Monday I logged 115 oz and yesterday I logged 140oz!!!! It is 9:30 right now and as I type this I have already had 33oz today with so much time left today! I am hoping to keep this up, if I can along with eating better and walking/running every day then I know I can get these pounds off. My goal right now is to make it to 200lbs by Labor day which is about 1lb a week that I know I can do if I stay focused.

Today is A's (the oldest) birthday. She is 9 which is crazy because she was 7 when I started watching her. She is growing up so much and loves softball right now which makes this nanny super happy. You can find us throwing the ball and practicing her swing often in the back yard. I am sure that this year will be just as exciting as the last. We have a fun filled day planned and I will post about it later. For now her and W ran to my car this morning to show me what she got and how excited they were for our fun day planned. I love these kids and love my job!!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!



  1. It sounds like you are doing well! Keep it up!

  2. You go girlie! Good job getting back into it. I love water!
