Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Weigh In Wednesday - The big 1-0!

Well this past week was so very off, I had Wednesday and Thursday off due to the winter weather we received here, and by the end of that time I was so ready to be back at work. While I love a good couple of days off, I do not like when my schedule is all messed up. Work helps move the week along towards the weekend so as much as I loved playing board games I was so ready for normalcy.

Weigh In Wednesday

The kids already had Friday and Monday planned off for President's Day and I ended up with Monday off. This was a good thing because all weekend I was layed up in bed with some awful infection I am just now getting over.

With the crazy week my eating was a little crazy. I had French fries three times. Three times too many and I was certain it was going to be a gain this week. But since I was sick and Sunday was spent having soup and PowerAde, I lucked out.

This week I stepped on the scale and...


Starting Weight - 239.4
2/18/2014 - 228.0
Loss this week - 1.9
Total Loss - 11,4 lbs

That's right folks, I hit the big TEN loss!!!! Woot woot!!!!! So happy. I know that I have lost and gained weight so many times but hitting 10lbs gone for forever just makes me elated. I am seeing the difference in my clothes. My black pants that I always wear and getting loose and will need to be replaced soon I am sure. A lot of my workout pants are getting loose too, my shorts that I usually wear are definitely getting loose and really riding up instead of staying where they normally do. Guess it's time to hit up Ross soon!
I am back on track today, totally in calorie range and making the best decisions. No more French fries for this girl! The only thing is that I wish I could exercise but I am not pushing it at all until I am 100% well. No need to make this sickness stick around longer then it needs to.

I guess that's it for now. I have been taking pictures every week to go in my weight loss binder and looked to see if I could see a difference in the way I looked and I really couldn't tell a whole lot. If anything I think my boobs are getting a little smaller and I am totally ok with that haha. I would show the pictures but I have not uploaded them yet. Hopefully by next week I will!

Have a great Wednesday!



  1. OMG, get it girl! What a wonderful accomplishment to see 10 lbs (and more!) gone!! That will turn into 20 soon...and 10 more...and you will be amazed with what you can do to change yourself for the better. Keep up the good work, I am so impressed!
    --Kelly from In It To Lose It

  2. Yay, yay, yay! Congrats on hitting the 10 pound mark! That is just the first of many goals met! Are you rewarding yourself? I did something for myself each time I hit a 10 pound loss. Really helps you keep pushing!

  3. Awesome loss! Yay for hitting 10 lbs! Hitting milestones feels awesome!! Keep up the great work and you'll see 20 in no time at all!

  4. congrats on your weight loss!

  5. Wow ! COngrats on the loss. I'm So inspired by this!
