Wednesday, October 2, 2013

So What Wednesday - Fall Party Countdown

I have never participated in this link up but follow a few bloggers who do it every week so I have decided to join this week.

So here is my So What Wednesday!!

So What....
...If I had my magic soup this morning for breakfast because I was feeling sick, that stuff is magically, like for real.

....If I haven't baked that much off of my fall baking list, my Welcome Fall Party is coming up on Saturday with 3 new baking items to be made.

.....If I am not sure how I am going to fit all of the people my roomie and I have invited to our party this weekend. Small apartment plus 30 people = fire code hazard for sure, or just a really good time!

...If I really want to work out right now but know that it probably shouldn't happen if I want to get well again.

...If I slept with a humidifier and then woke up and breathed in the vicks vapors this morning, got get this junk out of me.

...If I really am in love with Celine Dion's new song that my roommate introduced me to a month ago. I love her. Hopefully I will be heading to Vegas in the next couple of years to hear her sing live and just cry as she does.

...If I spilled water on my Country living Fair tickets for me and my friend Abby, they are still in tact and as long as they let me in the fulfill my Southern Girl needs we will have no problems what so ever.
...If I baked 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies for a friends birthday but didn't get to see her so now they are sitting on the counter at work, taunting me every time I have walked by. They may have won the battle but I will win the war. 

I guess that it's for now. I should probably get back to Pinterest to finish getting more ideas for my Welcome Fall Party. The next three days are going to be spent getting ready for my event of the year. Mainly just a reason for people to come over and eat all my baked goods so they gain all the weight and not me....hahaha.


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