Summer Nanny Series

Need some help this summer as a mom or a nanny or babysitter???

Well you have come to the right place. This is the place where you will be able to see all of the post that I make to go along with this series.

I am back for a 2nd Summer - Last Summer I wasn't as diligent about blogging, but I have a new goal this summer to!

This summer I am attempting to be more prepared and have created this awesome Summer Fun! board to keep everything in a central location.

We also sat down ahead of time and the kids and I created a Summer Bucket List of things we wanted to do. Every child got to choose 9 things and then I chose 3. I did this for a few reasons, a. to make sure that the kids got to have a say in what they want to do this summer, and that we don't miss anything and b. it is what helped me create our themed weeks and putting these into place.

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Week 1 - Fun in the Sun! Welcome to Summer!

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