Wednesday, August 1, 2012


To say my three lovelies have too much toys is an understatement. They have oodles and oodles of toys. One of the first tasks I was assigned when I was hired as the nanny was to try and clean the play room, which in and of itself was a disaster. I have successfully thrown away about 5 bags of toys and donated about 5 more bags. An accomplishment I am very proud of.

The family has recently re-done the main floor to include painting and moving of furniture. This change also brought moving of "the chest". Now "the chest" was just that, a giant chest that sat on the main floor next to the table where we end up doing all of our crafts. The chest was more like a catch all which contained more toys then you can imagine and all of our craft supplies. Since the removal of the chest the kids have been a little lost not having a plethora of toys to choose from, hence came the idea for organization bins to go under the couch.

I am really blessed that I work for a mom who is very realistic and allows me to do things that end up working very well for the kids and I and the whole family. I bought three blue bins that were just short enough to fit underneath the couch that could hold a few (not a ton!) toys. I figured the kids should be as involved as possible in the process and so I brought down the prized sharpies, wrote their names on each bin and allowed them to go crazy decorating, which they of course loved.

Decorating the bins was so much fun to them.

 The finished products.

And now full of toys and placed under the couch, the new rule is, if it doesn't fit, it doesn't stay :)

Off to new Adventures :)


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