I am realizing as I get older how much more I notice things.
I notice the way the sun rises in the morning on my drive to work. I notice how moms interact with the children they delight so much in. I notice the way people react to situations which are exciting as well as those which pain or anger them.
It can be so easy to judge someone based on their actions. I know that I, for one, am someone who is quick to judge when someone hurts me or when someone acts a way I would never in my life act. With that though I realize that when I judge them I need to take a hard look at the mirror because in those moments, I myself am acting the way I am judging them for. What do I feel when the realization hits and I look in the mirror, shame, and sadness. Luckily, that feeling doesn't last long as God grabs a hold of my heart and speaks grace and understanding to me.
We will always fall short. No one is perfect and that includes me, a constant reminder I need to hear every day.
Last week I accepted a job at a Private Project Based Learning school here in the area to start in July. I will be ending my 2 1/2 year run with my nanny family and take on a new role as Inclusion Teacher for the entire school. Most of my job will be made of up listening to teachers, parents, students, and my own intuition to help create goals and plans for children who need just a little extra help. Along with all the listening there will be an open mind required to understand all angles and not just my own. If I were to be the only person observing a child to create a plan I would miss out on about 98% of what the child does regularly throughout the day. It is imperative that I take into account what the parents and teachers tell me to come to the best conclusion of what we need to do to ensure growth in the child.
This same principal can be applied to my own every day life. If I look at someone and how they treated me in one situation on specific day, then I do them and myself a disservice. What about the events that led up to the situation? What about the news they received earlier in the day? I would hope that in an instance when I act out of turn that someone would show me the grace I would need to make it through the situation. It is imperative that I show the same amount of grace.
Every one is growing, constantly. If not we would all just be babies needing someone to do everything for us. That's not the case. We are out there learning how to handle situations, and for me, how to make sure at the end of the day God gets the most glory. I have to allow people to grow as I am growing as well, which means understanding that the one time they have offended me is only 1% of their story. A measly blip on the time line of life.
My goal is to make sure that I am seeing them for more then that 1%, I want to be a person who encourages and is life giving, and not life draining.
I think we all need a little bit of that.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Friday, May 2, 2014
High 5 for Friday!
Joining Lauren Elizabeth today for High Five for Friday!
We only have 3 more weeks until summer time and the kids and I are sooo excited to actually get to spend time together doing what we do best, which is having fun and creating memories.
1. The roomie and I are going to sign a lease tomorrow for a new place, after much debate (really not so much) we have decided to stay here in Kennesaw, and will just be moving to another apartment complex that is more in our budget.
2. I mentioned earlier this week that I am taking control of my finances and am doing Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps, well I am also putting myself on a budget and am using the envelope system. He has this awesome wallet that helps with that and it came in the mail last night, just before I get paid. I am so excited to use it and help keep me in check while I battle my way out of debt!
3. Since the roomie and I will be moving in a couple of weeks, I am starting to pack up all my things which basically means shuffling items from one side of my room to the other and stopping often occasionally to browse at pictures, like this one.
4. I am really excited about the T Shirt Quilt Along I am doing, it is really keeping me accountable in finishing the quilt, which I need to be because my sister's birthday is about a month away. If you are interested in joining along please click over to here.
5. I am an avid Grey's Anatomy watcher. I have watched it since it aired on a Sunday night at 10pm right after Desperate Housewives. It is a family affair for me as well as both of my sisters watch it. Usually, right as the show is about to start we are sending each other texts of support and love, and then during the show texts of anger or happiness or shock. Well last night was the 2nd episode in a series of episodes that are saying goodbye to Cristina Yang, one of the lead characters. One of my other favorite things to do is go on twitter and like everyone's tweet with the hash tag #greysanatomy, it's just a thing. If you watch the show and watched last night you will understand this picture I found and loved. It's coming all full circle. Shonda Rhimes is a genius.
That's All Folks!